Access our novel,

evidence based OT program
and emPOWER kiddos

with sensory differences

EXERSHINEkids Clinican Training Workshop Registration 





Friday October 25th, 2024
Friday January 17th, 2025


Part 1 (pre-recorded and self paced): Theory, Evidence and Frameworks  
Part 2 (live distance learning format): Implementing with Fidelity - 6 hour practicum and lab component

At EXERSHINEKids, we’ve created an evidence-based, fidelity tested, POWER Bootcamp Program that uses high intensity physical exercise, infused with OT principles & frames of reference to target sensory reactivity and facilitate improved sensory processing among kids of all ages. 


This means you can now bring novel, unique, and current programming to your clinic to impact your client’s lives, without spending hours creating and preparing content.


The EXERSHINEKids Power Bootcamp Program gives you engaging and creative, theme- based weekly lesson plans that help your kiddos:


  • Build physical strength, balance and motor planning

  • Improve sensory processing skills for increased success in school and home

  • Increase confidence and foster a sense of belonging- which enhances social participation and builds friendships

  • Learn tools for self regulation for carry over in other settings


After years of using this program at our KidSHINE clinic, and following recent clinical research on the EXERSHINEKids program outcomes, we’re ready to start an exercise movement

Join us!

Hi, I’m Dr Amy,

A licensed and registered pediatric occupational therapist, certified personal trainer, youth exercise specialist, mom of 3, distance runner & strength & conditioning enthusiast. 

As an adult with sensory processing differences, I realized the role daily high intensity exercise played in keeping me focused, productive, more comfortable in my own skin, and generally just a happier person… 

I also recognized that kiddos who participated in my individual sessions, and other group programs using exercise as a primary change agent demonstrated similar outcomes. 

This inspired me to infuse my love of exercise with my passion as a pediatric OT to create, design & research the EXERSHINEKids Power Bootcamp Program. 

Once we started researching the program, we found astounding measurable results.

Read more..





You’ll empower your kiddos through movement in these ways


EXERSHINE Kids targets core strength, balance, motor planning and upper body strength- to improve motor skills and build endurance and activity tolerance for academics and daily living activities.


EXERSHINE Kids targets vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile processing- to decrease reactivity to sensory stimuli and to facilitate improved self-regulation for successful performance in daily occupations.


EXERSHINE Kids builds motor confidence with “just right” physical challenges for each child, and supports social participation using strategies and organic opportunities for adult guided social pragmatics.


EXERSHINE Kids fosters lifelong friendships and a sense of safety and belonging for kiddos and their families,

You’ll empower your kiddos through 
movement in these ways


ExerSHINE Kids targets core strength, balance, motor planning and upper body strength- to improve motor skills and build endurance and activity tolerance for academics and daily living activities.


ExerSHINE Kids targets vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile processing- to decrease reactivity to sensory stimuli and to facilitate improved self-regulation for successful performance in daily occupations.


ExerSHINE Kids builds motor confidence with “just right” physical challenges for each child, and supports social participation using strategies and organic opportunities for adult guided social pragmatics.


ExerSHINE Kids fosters lifelong friendships and a sense of safety and belonging for kiddos and their families,

Upcoming Trainings







EXERSHINEkids Clinician Training Workshops







9 AM- 4:15 PM EST

Part 1

(pre recorded, self paced):
Theory, Evidence and Frameworks 
Part 2
(interactive distance learning format): 
Implementing with Fidelity 

Find out more

 POWER Stories!

How to combine high intensity exercise with stories


Pre-recorded webinar + upgrade for your copy of Kings Day Out: The Carwash


Kids LOVE Bootcamp

"His teachers asked me 'what has changed- what is he doing differently this year- he is a whole different child', and I told them the only difference was he was part of a research study at ExerSHINE"
– NM

I signed my daughter up for bootcamp this summer with hopes she would gain some independence. I was fearful for her transition to school. Since she has joined boot camp she has become more confident, independent, and empowered! I have no reservations that she will be hesitant going into school, thanks to ExerSHINE Kids! 
- KB

Parents LOVE Bootcamp

She is much better at home and her teachers say the same about school. I also noticed her confidence has increased too”
- NA

"I was super excited because by week 8, he was independently waking up and getting dressed and starting a routine each day"
- NC

My son is someone who greatly benefits from being physically active, but he is not always motivated to get up and move. He struggles with motor planning and doesn’t have much confidence in himself when it comes to physical activity. Since starting OT Boot Camp with Amy, I’ve seen that start to change. He comes out of his class sweaty, smiling and proud!

My daughter's strength and confidence has improved so much during the bootcamp program! She enjoys going to class each week and we can't say enough good things about her instructors. I highly recommend ExerSHINE Kids for your child's OT needs.

Clinicians LOVE Bootcamp

"I was excited about this program leading into the course today making plans for including this as a unique offering at our clinics new location.  After going through the training today, feeling the confidence to hit the ground running, and knowing Amy will be there to support making adaptations to use in my smaller clinic space now before the move, I can't wait to start.  The materials included make it helpful for busy clinicians to put the program into place immediately, Amy has taken all of the prep and guess work out of the program.  As a clinician starting in a new practice setting this helps me use a program that I believe in based on its principles but removes any barriers, Amy has thought of it all.  Thank you for sharing your program with us and helping us bring it to our clients and communities!" 

– KH

Want to know more?

Register below to learn more about our upcoming training dates.